Thursday, June 24, 2010


Many thanks to everyone who looked at my e-commerce website, tried out the various functions, and provided feedback. Some of the suggestions were easy fixes - the typos, slight changes in wording, modifying the shopping cart so that customers don’t have to sign up for an account to make a purchase, and learning what I need to do to have shipping cost calculated automatically. I still haven’t implemented the shipping cost calculation, but I know how to do it and will probably tackle it tomorrow.

I received more than 5 test orders, so have taken the test item off of the website. This weekend I’ll start putting together the goodie boxes for those who submitted test orders, and hope to get them shipped off sometime next week.

This has been a lot of work, but overall I’m happy with the way the website turned out. I really appreciate all of the comments, which are helping make it better.

By the way, the orchid in the photo is Phragmipedium bessae, a species of New World tropical slipper orchid. It's blooming right now, and its color roughly matches that of yesterday's rose, but is much more intense. It looks like it's glowing. Unfortunately, it doesn't have any fragrance.

1 comment:

  1. So glad it worked--and that you got helpful comments! Enjoy your weekend.
