What is the Perfume Project?

This blog is a constantly evolving forum for thoughts on perfume, perfume-making, plants (especially orchids and flora of the Pacific Northwest) and life in general. It started out chronicling the adventures of Olympic Orchids Perfumes, established in July 2010, and has expanded in other directions. A big part of the blog is thinking about the ongoing process of learning and experimentation that leads to new perfumes, the exploration of perfumery materials, the theory and practice of perfume making, the challenges of marketing perfumes and other fragrance products, and random observations on philosophy and society. Spam comments will be marked as such and deleted; any comments that go beyond the boundaries of civil discourse will also be deleted. I am grateful to all of you, the readers, who contribute to the blog by commenting and making this a truly interactive perfume project.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It’s been a while since I posted anything, and part of the reason was because the longer the time that had passed since I’d posted, the harder it was to start up again. I didn’t really want to get on the blog and look at comments and other blogs, because then I’d feel negligent about not posting, so I didn’t even go there at all.

There were good reasons. The “real job” is extremely demanding as the academic year moves toward its end, I was getting ready for the spring theatre production (which is now up and running), I had orchid shows and craft shows to deal with, the orchids are extremely needy this time of year what with potting and re-potting, and I was busy once again reorganizing my work area and increasing perfume production to keep up with orders. I’m filtering batches of Salamanca and Arizona as I write this.

In the meantime, the DevilScent Project has taken on a life of its own, I’ve made a commitment to participate in the Artisan Fragrance Salon in San Francisco in July, and I’m feeling fairly overwhelmed, but in a good way.

The new shelves are installed in my work area, complete with an added “lip” to keep things from sliding off in case of an earthquake, and they’re now filled from top to bottom with glassware, bottles of perfume concentrates, and finished bulk bottles of perfumes.

This is not really a “theme” post, it’s just a little warm-up so that I don’t feel aversion to looking at the blog and seeing how long it’s been since the last time.


  1. I noticed that myself - the longer you stop writing, the harder it gets to start again. :)
    Btw, it really looks like your life is interesting at the moment. :)

    1. Ines, My life is almost too interesting at the moment, but I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way. I have some other projects that I've procrastinated on for so long that I can't bring myself to look at them because of the guilt they evoke, but I'm going to have to get back to them at some point. At least maybe I can get going again on the blog, and that will help facilitate the other projects.

  2. Oh, how I can relate. It's been two weeks since I've written something, and I feel the guilt (although, like you, there are good reasons. I'm sewing up a storm to get my charity quilt done in time to hand in to my guild).

    One consolation I can add is that Google Reader is GREAT for keeping up with blogs, even if posting is sporadic.

    1. Dionne, The problem is that I feel guilty about reading blogs when I could be using that time to post in my own! I hope your quilt project works out successfully. Sounds like fun.

  3. Beautiful shelves! Did you design and build them yourself (in addition to all the other work you are doing)? No wonder you haven't had time to post. My little spring projects: Writing easier tangos for students, replanting the garden beds and cataloguing and photographing my too large perfume collection. By the way, I received my daughter's Mother's Day gift from Olympic Orchids Perfumes yesterday. I'm looking forward to opening the package on Sunday (even though I already have a good idea what it is). Have a lovely weekend. Gail

    1. Gail, I don't do carpentry except for orchid mounts and the occasional picture frame, although I have designed some things and had them built. The shelves in question are just an Ikea package with the raised edges added. One of our friends/neighbors is a carpenter/contractor, so we're lucky to be able to talk him into doing projects from time to time. He did a beautiful job on the shelves.

      Being able to find things right away makes life so much easier!

  4. Also, you were very busy sending packages to unknown readers on the East Coast. Thank you!

